02 May Tolerance! Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2: Self Realization Verse 14
matra-sparsas tu kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkhadah agamapayino’nityas tams titikksasva bharata
The Temporary Appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance over time, are like the coming and going of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.
Everything is cyclical in our lifetime and in the universe in general. Good times lead to bad times and then bad times lead to good times. There is a period in the interim where time just sits still and very present. Neither good or bad! An appearance of everything is how it should be. This is where the yoga comes in and teaches us to always try to be in the present moment. We all have our life lessons to learn. Some of us are given blessings when we least expect it, some of us are given distresses when we were not planning for it. Either way, the practice of yoga teaches us to prepare for both the good times and the bad times and be aware that it is all temporary.
When the senses contact sense objects, a person experiences cold or heat, pleasure or pain. These experiences are fleeting; they come and go. Bear them patiently, Arjuna. (Eknath Easwaran’s translation).
Personally, as I now experience aging parents who were once so mobile and active to now being in constant pain and in distress. From being able to get up and walk, from being independent to now being dependent on care givers and not being able to just get up and walk! Our time as youths, young adults and our time in being active is so very very temporary. Use this week’s reading to enjoy the moments whilst we are young and mobile. To feel the pain of adulthood and also the pleasures from our midlife too. Be so present in every step that we take. Being grateful that we are able to walk. This is also not an option for some people, so let’s go beyond physical and be grateful for the breath and for the smallest of luxuries that we are blessed with. Let us not forget the lessons that we had to learn from the not so good times. We all have skeletons in our closets, yes. BUT.. let us not blame others for our misfortunes, or our mistakes, or our parents for not being good parents. Let the meditation practice allow us to a mindset of appreciation and gratitude. However it is presented to us. Pray that we have more good moments and less miseries. Let us share those great moments with our loved ones and friends. May we find the support from our loved ones and friends when life throws us challenges and curb balls.
Asana of the Week: Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana
3 Limbed forward bend pose (Sitting bones, knees and feet). Bringing the right leg in ardha virasana, keep the hips squared and even as we forward bend over the left leg which is dandasana. Be mindful to bend via the hips and not the chest. Lengthening the torso, feel a good amount of stretch and release on the right knee and thigh as well as in the spine as with all forward bends.
Mantra for this week: Hari Krishna Hari Krishna Krishna Krishna Hari Hari (The Maha Mantra)
This mantra is chanted to enhance the consciousness to the greatest possible degree. Chanting this mantra can bring peace, happiness and God Realization, freedom from repeated birth and death and total self fulfillment.