09 Jan Why I Became A Yoga Teacher
So…One day, in my nice little world having 2 amazing young baby boys to play with and to mother of course. Entertaining and playing with them was so fun because I loved playing with babies and toddlers. I also knew that they will grow up fast and not play with mummy one day. Anyway, whilst making dinner in the kitchen the news came on about how a boy had shot down 26 at Sandy Hook.School. Most of the boys were my son’s age, kindergarten to 2nd grade. I STOPPED in total shock!. Picked up my little boys and never ever had i looked at them so deep into their perfect eyes with alarms bells.
I looked like i had seen a ghost! It could have been my sons killed. These could have been my babies!
No NO NO i said in my mind.. hugging and kissing them with tears rolling down my cheeks like i had gone cuckoo. What is going on with this world? Why did this happen? I finally relaxed, calmed down and went to do meditation. The stillness in meditation gave me these answers or conclusions: Either i stay in NJ and do something about my community for the better, OR we all pack up and go back to London where there are gun laws! I decided to stay and change my community by offering yoga. A way of living with compassion and love.
As the Children’s faces who had been shot came up, each one of those faces gave me conviction to not just be any yoga teacher, but all those 26 faces i had an affirmation and conviction to give it all that i had in me! So.. Yoga was my dharma! That was the day i realised i was always meant to teach yoga.
I undertook my 200hr with teachers who were also in the same frame of mind as me! Passionate about yoga, serious about the industry, vegan/vegetarian and Mothers or Durgas of this planet. I graduated and immediately started to teach meditation to my son’s school during their PE times. This went very well and kids started to tell me that they would go home and do Trataka (Candle gazing meditation). I got hired as a sub by Surya Yoga Academy that soon became a weekly class schedule. I started to now fill my week teaching yoga to whomever i can.
A year passed and going back to my earlier convictions and affirmations I signed up for Advance teachings and undertake my 500hr with Sri Dharma Mittra. Not only because i held him in high reverence and respect, but he also shows a tremendous respect for Yoga in all it’s enteritis, not just asana but the whole deal. This now became a very serious way of life for me. All the times as a little girl watching and observing my parent’s spiritual practice was leading me up to this. Sometimes what we are meant to do or be is right in front of us. Since the age of 3 or 4 yrs old i had been doing yoga, just did not know that in my 40’s it would become my living!
I have been teaching now for several years and now this website is born so that i can continue teaching to those far away also. I am a householder in America with a family to take care of and a serious yoga career to run. Everything in my teachings are my own life lessons, studying from Masters or from observances. Nothing, absolutely nothing is done on the fluke when teaching yoga to students. To me this is just absurd and teachers that do things on the fly, well… your students will read straight through you.
Hard work, lots of practice, dedication and faith in God is my mantra.
Sometimes we get epiphanies on what to do for our Dharma or it can be just waiting to be exposed to you in whatever format and situation. If you love your work so much that you are willing to do it for free, that you make a positive impact in the world and you have a sense of worthy and achievement in your work – then you may very well have found your Dharma, your purpose!
Be Kind, Be Compassionate, Be Receptive to God.